Ccs Dusk Compact/Compact Textured Bare Frame - Ccs Dusk Compact/Compact Textured Frame Bare Black

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Ccs Dusk Compact/Compact Textured Bare Frame - Ccs Dusk Compact/Compact Textured Frame Bare Black - Lone Wolf Dist.
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Product Details

Brand Lone Wolf Dist.
MSRP $99.95
UPC 840235900603


The Dusk 19 CCS frame features a 19deg grip angle, improving point ability and making the handling feel more like a 1911 than a traditional GLOCK(R) feel. It has interchangeable flat & rounded backstraps to allow the shooter to choose their preferred choice of grip. The integrated take-down frame scallops for ease of function and the frame also includes integrated textured grip panels for an ergonomic, stable grip. The grip also includes an integrated, flared magwell with a grip textured toe kick and an enlarged trigger guard to prevent "Glock knuckle".FEATURES: 19deg Grip Angle for improved point ability LWA Extended SSL Guard to reduce AD SSL lockout Integrated Take-down frame scallops for ease of function Integrated Grip Panels with LWA Grip Texture Integrated LWA Lower Control Flare Integrated LWA Muzzle Control Flare with LWA Grip Texture Enlarged Trigger Guard to reduce "Glock knuckle" Integrated Flared Magwellwith LWA Grip Texturefront strap Swappable Backstraps with LWA Grip Texture New Gen 3/4 compatible dustcover

Price History

1-Month Historical
Range $71.98 - $99.95
Spread $27.97
Average $86.7
Median $88.7
Volatility 32.54%
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