Wilson Combat Match Grade Barrel Bushing 1911 Commander Stainless Steel

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Wilson Combat Match Grade Barrel Bushing 1911 Commander Stainless Steel - Wilson Combat

Product Details

Brand Wilson Combat
MSRP $29.49
UPC 874218000745


Wilson Combat Barrel Bushing Commander Stainless. Our Stainless Steel bushings #29S & #29SC are designed for .580 O.D. barrels and require only minor fitting. The #29B Blued bushing is a pistolsmith part with considerably more material on the O.D. and I.D. for use with smaller barrels or when special situations require additional material.; Specifications for Wilson Combat Barrel Bushing: Manufacturer: Wilson Combat Fabric/Material: Stainless Steel Quantity: 1 Package Contents: Wilson Combat Barrel Bushing Wilson Combat 29SC: Barrel Bushing Commander Stainless