Beretta A300 Ultima Sport 12GA Semi-Auto Shotgun

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Beretta A300 Ultima Sport 12GA Semi-Auto Shotgun - Beretta

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Product Details

Brand Beretta
MSRP $1,069.00
UPC 0082442974873


THE BERETTA A300 ULTIMA SPORTING is engineered to be ultra-reliable and evenly balanced for clay target shooting. Featuring the classic gas operating system of the proven A300 platform this new Sporting gun features a 30 barrel (12 ga.) or 28 (20 ga.) with a white front bead and a mid-bead on a 7mm stepped rib A300 Ultima Sporting KO - Gray with black web FEATURES:Fiber Optic Front SightMobilChoke BarrelWide Stepped RibEnlarged ControlsUltimate ReceiverKick-Off recoil reduction12GA3" Chamber30" BarrelSemi-Auto2rd

Price History

1-Month Historical
Range $1,069 - $1,069.99
Spread $0.99
Average $1,069.49
Median $1,069.49
Volatility 0.09%
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