Black Scorpion Outdoor Gear Glock 19 19X 23 32 IWB Kydex Holster Right Hand Black
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Brand Black Scorpion Outdoor Gear
MSRP $45.99
UPC 817648020662
Black Scorpion Outdoor Gear Glock 19 19X 23 32 IWB Kydex Holster Right Hand Black. The minimalist design is built for complete concealment of your pistol and these Gun Holsters by Black Scorpion Outdoor Gear are form fitted to your Glock handgun for a precise fit with low drag. The Black Scorpion Outdoor Gear Glock IWB Kydex Concealed Carry Holster uses a positive click audible retention system when you draw your weapon from your holster making it a highly reliable option for concealed carry. You can adjust the retention pressure and the carry angle (cant) with a simple Phillips screwdriver and these holsters are built to last a lifetime. Install the Black Scorpion Outdoor Gear IWB Kydex Holster for Glock and you're ready to take on the day with confidence. Specifications for Black Scorpion Outdoor Gear Glock IWB Kydex Holster: Manufacturer: Black Scorpion Outdoor Gear Gun Make: Glock Holster Material: Kydex Hand: Right Holster Type: Inside the Waistband Holster Quantity: 1 Belt Loop/Snap Width: 1.5 in Condition: New Application: Concealment Attachment Type: Clip Features of Black Scorpion Outdoor Gear Glock IWB Kydex Holster: Positive click audible retention lock system Easily adjust retention pressure and carry angle (cant) -5 to 15 (No special tools needed) Coated stainless steel hardware Cant: User-adjustable w/ Phillips screwdriver Retention: User Adjustable via Thumb Screws Holster Muzzle: Open Warranty: Lifetime Package Contents: Black Scorpion Outdoor Gear Glock IWB Kydex Holster Black Scorpion Outdoor Gear HC11-IWB01-SCOGL19-BKRH: Glock 19 19X 23 32 IWB Kydex Holster Right Hand Black