Commercial Grade Texas Star Target - Commercial Grade Double Texas Star

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Commercial Grade Texas Star Target - Commercial Grade Double Texas Star - Challenge Targets

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Product Details

Brand Challenge Targets
MSRP $1,395.00


Challenge Targets Commercial Grade Texas Star Target is available as a single or double star design. The 8" plates are held in places with a unique spring retention system. When shot, the plates are released from the retention pocked and fall to the ground. The change in weight distribution causes the hub and 8" plates to rotate. The precision machined shaft and duel pillow bearings maximize the speed and change of direction with each successful shot on the plates. Rated for handguns, rifles and shotguns (buckshot) Maximum velocity at the target = 3,000 fps Maximum energy at the target = 1,300 ft/lbs Minimum shooting distance (handguns = 10 yards / rif Mfg: Challenge Targets