DeSantis Gunhide Apache Large Frame Semi Auto Ankle Holster

DeSantis Gunhide Apache Large Frame Semi Auto Ankle Holster -
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Product Details

MSRP $86.99


Try a new carry position for your concealed-carry pistol with the DeSantis GunhideA(R) ApacheA(R) Large Frame Semi Auto Ankle Holster This ankle holster boasts elasticized construction that fits snugly to your leg and largely eliminates the rocking motion commonly associated with ankle holsters. Sheepskin padded lining ensures unmatched comfort, making this holster perfect for all-day carry. This ankle holster features an adjustable VelcroA(R) thumb break that keeps your pistol securely in place and offers a quick release for a smooth, fast draw without sacrificing reliability. Order your new ankle holster today! Made in USA. Note: This holster is to be worn on the inside of your ankle opposite to which hand you will draw your firearm. A right-handed shooter will order a right-handed holster and it will attach to the inside of your left ankle.

Price History

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Range $54.99 - $54.99
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Average $54.99
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