DeSantis Gunhide Mini Scabbard OWB Holster for Smith & Wesson J-Frame / Taurus 85

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Get comfortable everyday carry at the range or while running errands in a bare bones yet reliable package with the DeSantis GunhideA(R) Mini ScabbardA(R) OWB Holster for Smith & WessonA(R) J-Frame / TaurusA(R) 85. Precision molding and an adjustable tension device ensures optimal security and stability, without sacrificing reliability. Secure leather belt slots accommodate most everyday carry belts up to 1.75" wide and feature a cutout that ensures the holster stays in place when placed over a belt loop. This outside-the-waistband (OWB) holster features 100% genuine American leather construction for superior strength with long-lasting field service, while the elegant, streamlined design delivers superior all-day comfort and a snag-free draw with your Smith & Wesson J-Frame or Taurus 85 revolver. Made in USA.