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Brand Wise Food
MSRP $94.99
UPC 851238005059
The Camo 64 Piece Survival Backpack is the perfect starter bug-out bag that provides you with everything from first aid necessities to waterproof matches. It even includes 36 servings of meals and beverage options to keep you replenished and energized for the days ahead and a portable stove to simplify reconstitution.Where should I store my food?This depends upon where you live. These products are made of both freeze-dried and dehydrated components and are affected by temperature, moisture, oxygen and light. Optimal storage conditions for our foods are in cool, dry places.How much water will I need?On average, each individual serving requires 1 cup of water.What allergens are contained in Wise products?Milk, soy, and wheat (gluten) are the common allergens found in Wise products. For specific ingredients by product type please consult the nutritional labels.What is your Return Policy?Food and Drink36 Total Servings (Including Apple Cinnamon Cereal, Brown Sugar Cereal, Creamy Pasta, Hearty Tortilla Soup, and Whey Milk)5 X 4.227 fl. oz. Water PouchesFirst Aid and Hygiene37 Piece First Aid KitN95 or KN95 Dust Mask*Pocket Tissues3 Wet NapsWaste BagAdditional SuppliesPortable Stove (Including Fuel Tablets)Stainless Steel CupSqueeze Flashlight5-in-1 Survival WhistleWaterproof MatchesMylar BlanketEmergency PonchoPlaying Cards